2 min readMay 13, 2020

2019 is finally ended.

2018 and 2019 were absolutely the worst 2 years of my life. How my life has changed in the past two years was unimaginable. The things that I never even bothered to think about just happened overnight and totally flipped my life, in a tragic way. It was two years full of tears, regrets, changes, and, gratefully, lots of love and caring.

I have to say that life is such a strict teacher who has taught me so much in a hard way. But the last thing I want to do is bow and surrender. I hate to say new year new me as it is just a unit of time and you are the only person who can count on and make changes. 2020 can’t be your year unless you make it yours.

For 2020, here I set 5 goals for myself.

  1. Stop complaining and regretting

Throw out a whole funeral in your mind for all the past regardless it is mistakes or glory. Stop complaining and regretting. The past is the past and you will never have a chance to go back. So, please do not burry yourself and your future in the grand of the past. Complaining and regretting can’t bring you any good but trape yourself in the dark dead end.

2. Be productive and forget about the result

Every second now of the present you are the youngest yourself. Stop hoping and wishing. Time flies in a glance and the only way to stop feeling hopeless is to get up and do something. For the coming year, I need to abandon the concept that every hard work will pay off. In fact, the ratio of hard work and payoff is approximately 100:1. It is a painful fact but it is something I need to keep in mind. Before you can progress the tiny tiny improvement, you will fall hundreds and thousands of times. You will feel pain and hopeless. You will cry for giving up which is the thing I won't allow myself to do, ever again.

3. Focus on yourself

Again, time flies in a glance and life is too short for a bad coffee. Focus on yourself. Explore as much as possible in order to know myself better. After 23 years, I still feel like I know nothing about myself and even less than I know somebody else. I have no idea what I want, what is my advantages, what is my passion. I was the type of person feeling the energy from external to internal. I am living, acting, and speaking as a show for others. For the coming year, I need to spread the energy from the internal to external. I need to block out the influence of external and express my own feeling and energy. I need to consider everything from the starting point of myself. It does not mean to be selfish, but loving and knowing yourself.

